Monday, September 19, 2011

Chicago is just around the corner! This year, Mariana Souto-Manning (Assistant Chair) has put together a wonderful Day of Early Childhood program on Saturday., Nov. 19,2011, that includes such early childhood educators and researchers as Lisa Cleaveland, Katie Wood-Ray, Kathryn Whitmore, Susie Long, Dinah Volk, Heidi Mills, and Ann Haas Dyson.

The ECEA Business meeting will also be held on
Saturday, November 19, 2011 from 5:45 pm to 7:00 pm at the Chicago Hilton/PDR 3, Third Floor. Please attend as this is an opportunity for us to imagine possiblities for the ECE Assembly of NCTE.

Also, it's an election year! You should have received a link to an electronic ballot by now. If you have not and you are a current member please send us an email at

Following are the positions we are voting on and a description of what each role entails.

The Assistant Chair:
1. In the temporary absence of the Chair, presides at all business meetings of ECEA and its Board of Directors.
2. Assists the Chair with managing the current ECEA Business Meeting at the NCTE Annual Convention.
3. Assists the Chair in preparing the Annual Report to NCTE.
4. Assists the Chair in planning for ECE involvement at NCTE’s annual convention.

The Treasurer:
1. Handles all financial transactions of the group.
2. Pays bills incurred by ECEA within the budget adopted by the Board of Directors.
3. Submits a written financial report that also includes a report on membership at the ECEA Annual Business Meeting and Board of Directors Meeting.
4. Notifies the Chair if at any time ECEA appears to violate the proviso that it shall not, without the express permission of the Executive Committee of NCTE, incur any obligation exceeding its funds.
5. Assists the other officers and committees in carrying out their responsibilities.
6. Serves as the IRS contact for tax-exempt reporting purposes.

Duties of the Board of Directors
1.Sets policies for the general operation of the organization.
2.Approves the budget and authorizes additional expenditures.
3.May authorize publication of monographs and special publications.
4.Sets dues for various classes of membership.
5.May propose amendments to the Bylaws.
6.Receives reports from officers and committees.
7.Plans for ECEA involvement in NCTE’s annual convention
8.Communicates with membership through the assembly newsletter or the annual business meeting.

Finally, we are awarding a number of membership scholarships. Please click on the link below for information regarding this.

Click here for scholarship form.

Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago!
Vivian Vasquez
ECEA Chair.